Where Was Buttoners (1997) Filmed

1. Buttoners 1997, directed by Petr Zelenka | Film review - TimeOut

  • 10 sep 2012 · Popular winner of a Rotterdam 1998 Tiger Award, this delightfully droll feature consists of six stories: the first, set in Japan, ...

  • Popular winner of a Rotterdam 1998 Tiger Award, this delightfully droll feature consists of six stories: the first, set in Japan, take place just before the bom

2. Buttoners (1997) directed by Petr Zelenka • Reviews, film + cast

  • It is a film consisting of six short stories, which mostly tell in a black humorous, ironic, often bitterly bitter form about an ancient curse, ...

  • It is a film consisting of six short stories, which mostly tell in a black humorous, ironic, often bitterly bitter form about an ancient curse, human infidelity, strange deviations, an unexpected miracle and hypocritical forgiveness. They have their own pointed structure, specific atmosphere and way of processing, and yet they pass on motives to each other that communicate with each other and observe the same things from different angles.

Buttoners (1997) directed by Petr Zelenka • Reviews, film + cast

3. Buttoners - Czech Film Center

  • Buttoners Knoflíkáři. Czech Republic / 1997 / 102 min. Fiction. Director. Petr Zelenka. Producer.

Buttoners - Czech Film Center

4. The Buttoners (1997) - Filmový přehled

  • The Buttoners ; Country. Czech Republic ; Copyright. 1997 ; Production year. 1997 ; Premiere. 20 November 1997 ; Runtime. 102 min ...

  • Six stories which relativize the balance between cause and effect as they unfold in a strange time loop. Mysterious contexts which influence the course of events form the common motif of these tragicomic episodes set in contemporary Prague, a Japanese to…

The Buttoners (1997) - Filmový přehled

5. Central Europe Review - Film: Petr Zelenka's Knoflikari

6. Buttoners (film, 1997) - FilmVandaag.nl

  • In korte verhalen, verbonden door een taxichauffeur, probeert een jongen en meisje seks te hebben tijdens een taxirit. De volgende klant wil zijn…

Buttoners (film, 1997) - FilmVandaag.nl

7. Sight & Sound | Buttoners (1997) - BFI

  • 20 dec 2011 · A film of six stories, the first set in Kokura, Japan, on 6 August 1945, the other five in Prague on 6 August 1995. In 'Kokura Lucky', a ...

  • The British Film Institute

8. Knoflíkári - cinema - VPRO Gids

  • 1997; Alt. titels: Buttoners; Genres: Komedie, Experimenteel; Trefwoorden ... Abonneer je op specifieke films of personen, zodat je een melding ontvangt als de ...

  • Korte verhalen met als verbindende schakel een taxichauffeur. Een jongen en meisje proberen seks te hebben tijdens een taxiritje. De volgende taxiklant is een man die zijn vrouw wil betrappen op overspel. Gelukkig voor hem is de overspelige vrouw niet zijn echtgenote, maar de vrouw van de onwetende taxichauffeur. In de korte verhalen keren een aantal personages steeds terug. Alle gebeurtenissen spelen zich af in de nacht van 6 augustus 1995, exact vijftig jaar nadat de atoombom is gevallen. Knoflíkári verwierf in Tsjechië zelf al snel een cultstatus, omdat historische feiten, fictie en documentairebeelden virtuoos aan elkaar worden geknoopt.

Knoflíkári - cinema - VPRO Gids

9. Knoflíkáři / Buttoners (Czech Republic, 1997)

10. Buttoners - MIFF Film Archive

  • BUTTONERS. Knoflikari. Director Petr Zelenka / 1997 / Czech Republic. MIFF 1998. Could you forgive your wife if she had sex with a stranger in a cab? Could you ...

  • Could you forgive your wife if she had sex with a stranger in a cab? Could you forgive the pilot who dropped the Atom Bomb on Hiroshima? Could you forgive yourself if you accidentally killed a young couple? Life is so complicated that you may be asked to do all three within a single night! A jet black comedy about forgiveness, Petr Zelenka's Buttoners is six short stories peopled by truly bizarre oddballs that inhabit a cruel but hopeful world full of mistakes, perversions, coincidences and miracles, where everything is linked to everything else and time flows in both directions.

11. Lost in Munich - European Film Academy

  • He then made his award-winning feature debut BUTTONERS (1997 – Czech Lion for Best Czech Film, among others), YEAR OF THE DEVIL (2002 — Crystal Globe at the ...

  • Sir P, a 90-year-old talking grey parrot that once belonged to Edouard Daladier, finds himself in Prague at the invitation of the French Cultural Institute as a living relic of the time of the Munich Agreement. The Czech side organises a rather absurd press conference at which the “gentleman” does indeed repeat certain key statements ascribed to his erstwhile owner. The parrot is kidnapped by Pavel, a Czech journalist, and his controversial statements of Edouard Daladier cause something of an accidental political scandal.

12. Buttoners (1997) - The Movie Database

  • It is a film consisting of six short stories, which mostly tell in a black humorous, ironic, often bitterly bitter form about an ancient curse, ...

  • It is a film consisting of six short stories, which mostly tell in a black humorous, ironic, often bitterly bitter form about an ancient curse, human infidelity, strange deviations, an unexpected miracle and hypocritical forgiveness. They have their own pointed structure, specific atmosphere and way of processing, and yet they pass on motives to each other that communicate with each other and observe the same things from different angles.

Buttoners (1997) - The Movie Database

13. Screening of the film “Wrong Side Up“

  • 18 dec 2008 · Zelenka is a very popular film director and scenarist in the Czech Republic. As the author of successful films Buttoners (1997), Year of the ...

  • On December 17, 2008, the Czech Embassy arranged the last film evening of the year 2008 by screening the film “Wrong Side Up” by Petr

14. Knoflíkáři

  • Knoflíkáři (Buttoners) (1997), directed by Petr Zelenka. This film, which is distantly reminiscent of Jim Jarmusch´s Night on Earth (1991), examines ...

  • Knoflíkáři (Buttoners) (1997), directed by Petr Zelenka

15. Buttoners | Rotten Tomatoes

  • It is a film about people, how they feel, what they're like, and it's about ridiculous little things as well. It's about the daily life of common people, but ...

  • Unexpected links interlock six episodes with themes of chance, coincidence, fate, atonement and forgiveness.

Buttoners | Rotten Tomatoes

16. Buttoners (film, 1997) kopen op dvd of blu-ray - FilmVandaag.nl

  • Dvd / Blu-ray - koop een dvd of blu-ray van Buttoners (1997). Direct te bestellen en snel in huis, zodat je vandaag nog kunt genieten van deze film!

  • In korte verhalen, verbonden door een taxichauffeur, probeert een jongen en meisje seks te hebben tijdens een taxirit. De volgende klant wil zijn…

Buttoners (film, 1997) kopen op dvd of blu-ray - FilmVandaag.nl
Where Was Buttoners (1997) Filmed
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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.